Finding Jesus in the Old Testament
Speaker: Alsan Santos Series: The Book of Acts Scripture: Acts 7
This is the longest sermon in the book of Acts. It is a defense of the faith when Israel's religious leaders indict Stephen. Stephen points to Abraham, Joseph, Moses, and the monarchy (David and Solomon). The whole storyline shows God being with his people in various locations, and when the temple is built, he reminds them that “the Most High does not dwell in sanctuaries made with hands”.
other sermons in this series
Jul 30
The Unstoppable Gospel
Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 28:17–31 Series: The Book of Acts
Jul 16
Radical Biblical Worldview
Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 28:1–16 Series: The Book of Acts
Jul 9
Surviving the Storm
Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 27:1–44 Series: The Book of Acts