November 6, 2022

Minister to God

Speaker: Alsan Santos Series: The Book of Acts Topic: Default Scripture: Acts 13:1–12

minister to God


God does what he does through tools, and in the case of missionary work, the means God uses is his church. At Antioch, we have an example of a mighty missionary tool, a church that was established, well-taught, integrated, active, and seeking God's direction.

other sermons in this series

Jul 30


The Unstoppable Gospel

Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 28:17–31 Series: The Book of Acts

Jul 16


Radical Biblical Worldview

Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 28:1–16 Series: The Book of Acts

Jul 9


Surviving the Storm

Speaker: Alsan Santos Scripture: Acts 27:1–44 Series: The Book of Acts